Construction Safety
Safety and well being are some of the most important topics in the construction industry. We’ve created and curated helpful construction safety resources including FREE toolbox talks online and via our app, mental health and substance misuse resources, and more.
Download the FREE
Toolbox Talks App!
Discover, discuss, and document over 150 Toolbox Talks! The Toolbox Talks app makes it simple to find safety talks for both construction and marine industries in English, Spanish, and Russian. Find a talk to review, then document your safety briefing with a signature capture form that generates a PDF of the meeting details that you can email or save to your device.
Funding and support for the Toolbox Talks project and mobile apps has been provided by the State of Washington, Department of Labor & Industries, Safety & Health Investment Project.
Toolbox Talks
Explore 150+ safety briefing toolbox talks in the most commonly spoken languages in the construction industry in Washington State: English, Spanish, and Russian.
English Toolbox Talks
Our entire library of 150+ toolbox talks is available in English.
Charlas De Seguridad
Nuestro biblioteca completa de 150+ charlas de seguridad es disponible en Español.
Инструктаж по ТБ Toolbox Talks
We currently have 26 toolbox talks in Russian.
Construction Safety Resources
Substance Misuse & Addiction
Substance misuse & Addiction Webinar Series
We facilitated a two-part webinar series for the construction industry to support safety and wellbeing.
from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA):
Additional Resources
Accident Prevention Program
What is an Accident Prevention Program (APP) and why is a written APP so important? Learn more in this informative flyer.
We collected resources, templates, and toolbox talks to help construction industry workers and businesses stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Access the COVID-19 resources here.