Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Resources

Date Posted: 09/18/2020

1. Crisis Text Line

This service is available for people of all ages who are looking for help. To contact the Crisis Text Line, simply text “HELLO” to 741741. You will quickly receive a confirmation that your message is being routed to a counselor.

Crisis Text Line posters are available to display in all major company facilities where employees gather.
Crisis Text Line wallet cards are available to distribute as well.

2. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Suicide prevention lifeline 1-800-273-8255

Suicide prevention lifeline 1-800-273-8255

This service provides crisis intervention for people having thoughts about self-harm or who are
considering taking their life. The telephone number is 1-800-273-8255.

Suicide prevention posters are available to display in all company facilities and wallet cards are available to distribute that highlight the warning signs for suicide risk. These both have the telephone number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

3. Take a Screening

Mental health is a key part of your overall health. Brief screenings are the quickest way to determine if you or someone you care about should connect with a mental health professional – they are a checkup from your neck up. This program is completely anonymous and confidential, and immediately following the brief questionnaire you will see your results, recommendations, and key resources.


This toolbox talk was created by the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention, reprinted with permission.

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